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If you have questions about the terminology, please consult our Technical Glossary.

Systems across the nation

Federation resources include six national systems, which were installed between 2016 and 2021. Researchers can access these systems free-of-charge. Find out how to Get Started.

In addition, we provide staff’s expertise as well as a broad range of training opportunities.

Name Location Launch date Technical specifications
Arbutus University of Victoria 2016 Technical specifications
Béluga Montreal’s École de technologie supérieure 2019 Technical specifications
Cedar Simon Fraser University 2017 Technical specifications
Graham University of Waterloo 2017 Technical specifications
Narval Montreal’s École de technologie supérieure 2021 Technical specifications
Niagara University of Toronto 2018 Technical specifications

Visit this page to see the status of each system.

Clouds at your service

cloud service is also available to researchers. Cloud offers everything from configurability and availability to durability and portability. Users are offered virtual machines that allow them to configure a cloud account and customize their computing environment. The cloud allows users to build portals and platforms and to handle data they’re scraping from the web. It is also an easy way for researchers to share content and collaborate on shared resources with colleagues in other countries.

An answer to storage woes

There are also a wide range of storage options available, ranging from high-speed temporary local storage to different kinds of long-term storage. Because the storage systems are a shared resource, it’s the user’s job to use them responsibly. It is also the responsibility of users to manage the age of their stored data as the system is not intended for indefinite storage.