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Canadian Research Software Platforms

The table below is a partial list of Canadian research software platforms (RSPs) previously supported by CANARIE during its tenure as a research software funder, and that we have determined to be actively supported and/or developed. According to the Research Software Current State Assessment, Research Software (RS) has two types: 1). RS tools and 2). RSPs or RS services (variously referred to as virtual science labs, virtual research environments (VREs), or Science Gateways). Although the table lists only RSPs, most RS services can be accessed from the RSP link. The Alliance is working with its partners to create a comprehensive directory of Canadian research software platforms and services, and this list represents the start of that effort.  

The Alliance is also using the services of the Research Software Directory (RSD) to promote the visibility, impact and reuse of the Canadian Research Software. The Canadian research software listed below can also be found in the RSD.

The RSD, developed by the Netherlands eScience Center, is an international directory of software tools and resources that are used in academic research. It provides access to a wide range of software tools and resources.

If you have an active research software project that meets all the Alliance’s requirements (see below) and would like to have your details added to the list, or have corrections to the information in the table, please contact


  • Is a Canadian Research Software (i.e., owned/led by a Canadian institution).
  • Is a platform/science gateway, or a component of software that can be deployed independently.
  • Is available via an open source license, or emerged from a publicly funded open-source project.
  • Is currently maintained.
  • It fits with the promotional mandate of the Alliance.

An RSP that does not meet one of the requirements would not be eligible for listing in the RSD.





Support email

3D Slicer (Website / Source / Article)

nuclear medicine, microscopy, MRI, visualization, 3D, medical image computing, volume rendering

Harvard Brigham and Women''s Hospital, Boston, MA; Queen''s University, Kingston, ON; and others

A PM3 HPC Blood Flow Modelling Platform: SimVascular (Website / Source / Article)

modelling, medical image computing, fluid mechanics, cardiovascular

Lawson Health Research Institute, London, Ontario.

ArcticConnect - A platform for Arctic research and information sharing (Website / Source)

Arctic, polar

Cybera and University of Calgary

Atlascine (WebsiteSource)

atlas, online cartography, oral history, geovisualization, multimedia, Mapping stories

Concordia University & Carleton University

Abinit (Website / Source NA Dalhousie University, University of Montreal , University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres   

BIRCH (Website / Article)

genomics, transcriptomics, sequencing, sequence analysis, BLAST, bioinformatics

Dr. Brian Fristensky, University of Manitoba

Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC) (Website / Source)

Canadian culture & history, digital humanities, English, cultural studies

University of Alberta and University of Guelph

CanDIG CHORD: Canadian Health Omics Repository, Distributed (WebsiteSource)

genomics, CanDIG, GA4GH

McGill University

Canadian Advanced Network for Astronomical Research (CANFAR) (Website / Source

Authenticated, CANFAR, Condor, Distributed, Processing, Retrieval, Storage, Virtual Machine, Web Service 

University of Victoria

CBRAIN (Website / Source / Article)

cluster, data modeling, supercomputer, CBRAIN, visualization, neurology, task, data transfer

McGill University

ChemTools (Website / Source)

conceptual dft, population analysis, atoms in molecules, molecular orbital theory, density matrices kinetic energy density 

Queen's University, McMaster University, Ghent University 


ClinDIG (Source)

genomics, health, clinical, federated

The Hospital for Sick Children, McGill University, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, University Health Network

CWRC-Writer (Website / Source)

named entity linking, named entity Recognition, web-based, TEI, LOD, XML editor

University of Guelph

DataStream (Website)

Water quality, watersheds

The Gordon Foundation

Genetics and Genomics Analysis Platform (GenAP) (Website / Source)

metabolomics, molecular biology, genomics, genetics, biology, medicine, single-cell, health, bioinformatics

Université de Sherbrooke and McGill University

Geodisy - Federated Geospatial Data Discovery for Canada (Website / Source / Article)

metadata, research data, geospatial


HORTON (Website / Source)

electronic structure theory, quantum chemistry

McMaster University

ICGC ARGP (Website / Source)

Cancer, genome, patients, clinical data, oncology

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)

iEnvironment (Website)

Channel Morphology, Environmental Data Repository, Freshwater Streams, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol (OSAP), Headwaters, Flowing Waters, Channel Stability, Fish Surveys, Stream Discharge, Wadeable Streams

University of Waterloo

iReceptor Gateway (Website / Source / Article)

iReceptor, Immunology, immunogenomics

Simon Fraser University (SFU)

IRIDA (Website / Source / Article)

Genomics, infectious disease

Simon Fraser University

LORIS (WebsiteSource / Article)

database, neuroscience, open science, neuroinformatics, neuroimaging, opensource

McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, Alan Evans lab

Mass Spec Studio (Website / Article)

Mass spectrometry, proteins

University of Calgary

Mass Spec Studio for Clinical Proteomics (Website)

Mass spectrometry, proteins, proteomics

University of Toronto and University of Calgary

MINTED (Website)

Oceans, oceanography, persistent identifiers

Ocean Networks Canada Society

Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Website / Source / Article)

conservation science, movement ecology, wildlife tracking

Birds Canada

MSS-IMProv (Website)

Modeling, Mass spectrometry, proteins

University of Calgary

Nature Counts (Website / Source)

Conservation science, bird monitoring, open data

Birds Canada

Nunaliit (Website / Source / Article)

data collection, database, visualization, cartography, mapping, javascript, web, storytelling, atlas

Carleton University


OBiBa Agate (Website / Source)

Epidemiology, authentication

Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center (RI-MUHC)

OBiBa Mica (Website / Source )

Epidemiology, data repositories

Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center (RI-MUHC)

OBiBa Opal (Website / Source )

Epidemiology, data repositories

Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center (RI-MUHC)

OpenMS (Website / Source / Article)

Proteomics, Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics, C++

Hannes Rost & OpenMS Team

OpenPNM (Website / Source / Article)

Pore network modeling

University of Waterloo

Overture Data Management System (Website / Source)

cloud storage, genomics, search portal, metadata, authentication

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)

PACTE - Collaborative Electronic Text Annotation Platform (Website)

corpus, lexicon, document, disambiguation, text annotation, natural language processing, collaborative, named entity


PhenoTips (Website / Source / Article)

phenotype, API, rare disease, deep phenotyping, patient data, ontology, matchmaking, pedigree genogram

The Hospital for Sick Children, the University of Toronto, and PhenoTips

PoreSpy (Website / Source / Article)

tomography, image analysis, porous media

Porous Materials Engineering and Analysis Lab

Radiam (Website / Source)

RDM, Metadata

University of Saskatchewan

Research Lifecycle Approach using Islandora (Website / Source)

information management, data storage, metadata

University of Prince Edward Island

Research Portal for Secure Data Discovery, Access, and Collaboration (Website) Data Access Request, Collaboration, Portal, User Management, Program Management, Data Sharing Ontario Brain Institute / Indoc Research
Umple (Website / Source / Article) Code Generation, Software Modeling, UML, State Machines University of Ottawa
User-Defined Oceanographic Data Products (Website) Oceans, oceanography Ocean Networks Canada
Virtual Health Gateway (Website) Patient Engagement, Data management, Research Platform, Data, Wearables, Data sharing, Portal Indoc Research
VirusSeq (Website / Source) Data, virus, health, data portal, open data Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
Web-enabled Awareness Research Network (WARN) (Website) oceans, tsunami, earthquake Ocean Networks Canada