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Researcher Council Application Form

Thank you for your interest in the Researcher Council of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance).

Applications will be accepted until June 12, 2024.  This deadline may be extended as required

All applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Researcher Council Governance Sub-committee (RC GSC). The RC GSC will recommend candidates for the Researcher Council with final approval by the Alliance Board of Directors. Applicants may be called for an interview, as appropriate.

We are looking for researchers with digital research infrastructure (DRI) experience to support the Alliance’s mandate to develop a sustainable, strong and vibrant DRI ecosystem. Expertise and knowledge should demonstrate experience in negotiating for competing DRI interests, strategic thinking and effective communication with various stakeholders.

The Researcher Council will represent the diversity of the national research enterprise including: research discipline; institution; geographic and linguistic diversity; and will include established and emerging researchers. Additionally, the Alliance recognizes that challenges remain in achieving the full participation of equity-seeking groups (including women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority/​racialized groups, and members of LGBTQ2+) in research careers and is committed to identifying and eliminating barriers that may exist within its own hiring process, programs, and practices.

Please complete the application form below. Fields with “*” sign must be populated.

  • Current Section 1 - General
  • Section 2 – Skills and Experience
  • Section 3 – Optional EDIA Data Collection
  • Section 4 – Curriculum Vitae or Resume
  • Complete

Thank you for your interest in the Researcher Council of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance).

Applications will be accepted until June 12, 2024.  This deadline may be extended as required

All applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Researcher Council Governance Sub-committee (RC GSC). The RC GSC will recommend candidates for the Researcher Council with final approval by the Alliance Board of Directors. Applicants may be called for an interview, as appropriate.

We are looking for researchers with digital research infrastructure (DRI) experience to support the Alliance’s mandate to develop a sustainable, strong and vibrant DRI ecosystem. Expertise and knowledge should demonstrate experience in negotiating for competing DRI interests, strategic thinking and effective communication with various stakeholders.

The Researcher Council will represent the diversity of the national research enterprise including: research discipline; institution; geographic and linguistic diversity; and will include established and emerging researchers. Additionally, the Alliance recognizes that challenges remain in achieving the full participation of equity-seeking groups (including women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority/​racialized groups, and members of LGBTQ2+) in research careers and is committed to identifying and eliminating barriers that may exist within its own hiring process, programs, and practices.

Please complete the application form below. Fields with “*” sign must be populated.

Job Title

Location of Institution:

How can we best contact you? Provide information as appropriate.