David joins the Alliance with 25 years of experience in multiple sectors, including engineering software, automotive product design and manufacturing, and academic research administration.
Most recently, David was Executive Director, Research Strategic Initiatives in the office of the Vice-President, Research and International at the University of Waterloo. Prior to working at Waterloo, he served in progressively senior roles in Western University’s Research Office, ultimately as Western’s Director of Research Development. While at Western, he was accountable for administering the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s Major Scientific Initiative funding awarded for the operation of the Compute Canada Federation. Before moving into the academic sector, David worked at a Canadian Tier 1 automotive manufacturer and a Waterloo spin-off software company.
David has also worked as a private data analytics consultant, helping clients gain strategic insights from their data.
David received his Bachelor and Master of Applied Science (Mechanical Engineering) degrees from the University of Waterloo, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario. He lives in London, Ontario with his wife Sheila and their two children. When he isn’t fixing something or writing code, you might find David taking in a London Majors baseball game at Labatt Memorial Park, the world’s oldest baseball grounds.