1. Will the Platform CfP provide any funding to the participants?
As per Section 3.1 of the CfP document, this CfP is neither a procurement call nor is it a funding call. The financial discussion for the Pilot occurs in Stage 2. Stage 1 will focus on bringing together participants with expertise, experience and who will add value to the pilot project. In Stage 2, selected participants will form teams to deliver components and a budget for each component (and each team contributing to that component) will be established. Funding will flow to participants based on this plan through the funding mechanisms described below.
2. Where can I find more information on the Alliance funding mechanisms available as part of this pilot?
For selected participants in category 1, the Alliance will enter into a standard funding agreement with the institution the individual or team is affiliated with.
For selected participants in category 2, the Alliance will enter into a procurement agreement (including but not limited to a purchase order, service level agreement, etc.).
More information on funding arrangements will be provided to participants who are invited to Stage 2.
3. Can funding be used to purchase equipment?
No. The funding is made available to cover operating expenses related to the initiative.
4. What expenses are eligible to be paid for as part of the pilot?
For participants in category 1 (individual or team affiliated with an institution), eligible expenses include:
- Salaries of scientific, professional, technical, and administrative personnel directly involved in the pilot.
- Benefits costs as charged by the host institutions, up to a maximum of 22% of eligible direct labour costs.
- Software subscriptions and licenses
- Supplies and consumables
For participants in category 2, all expenses will need to be outlined in a Statement of Work as part of a procurement process.
5. For teams that enter into financial arrangements/contracts with the Alliance, what are the requirements for reporting?
Participants in category 1 (individual or team affiliated with an institution) will have to provide periodic progress and financial reports. Further details will be provided to participants who are invited to Stage 2.
6. My team includes graduate students: can these be funded as part of our participation in the pilot?
No. Trainee stipends (undergraduates, graduates and postdoctoral fellows) are not eligible expenses.
7. Does every team need to provide monetary and/or non-monetary (in-kind) match contributions as part of the CfP response?
No. As per Section 4.1, ISED has made available $5M to the Alliance for the ACCP project, which if leveraged fully, would require a match of approximately $2M. In order for the ACCP to leverage the full amount from ISED, it is necessary for the entire project (including the CSP CfP) to achieve this level of match. All participants are encouraged to consider how their organizations can contribute to providing a match, but all responses are not required to provide a match.
8. My institution is providing monetary and/or non-monetary (in-kind) contributions for this project. How do I attach a letter to demonstrate their commitment to my project?
The LOI is designed for respondents to express their interest and commitment to the ACCP and to provide an overview of how their contribution will add to the success of the project. Section 7.1 states that Respondents should provide a high-level description of remuneration and match. Detailed letters of support will be required during Stage 2 of the project.
9. Are travel expenses part of the expenses covered by the pilot?
No. Travel expenses are not eligible expenses.
10. How will financial oversight work for organizations that receive funds as part of the pilot? What kind and frequency of reporting will be needed?
Participants in category 1 (individual or team affiliated with an institution) will have to provide periodic progress and financial reports. Further details will be provided to participants who are invited to Stage 2.
The financial reporting comprises total contributions received (i.e. Alliance contributions and match contributions) and total expenses incurred (from all sources of contributions).
The institution must maintain a verifiable audit trail for all expenses and contributions (including non-monetary) reported. It must also maintain separate project accounts for the project. Financial records must reconcile to the financial report submitted to the Alliance.
The institution must be prepared to provide supporting documentation for expenditures and contributions related to each eligible item included in the budget or financial report. The institution must keep on file the original documentation for audit purposes and provide it upon request.
11. Will any retroactive expenses be eligible as part of the pilot?
No. Retroactive expenses are not eligible expenses.